(317) 755-0239

Frequently Asked Questions


How does your birthday mailer's response rate compare to the national average of 1%?
Compared to the national average of 1% for junk direct mail (you know what this is when you see it in your own mailbox), our mailers average response rate is 28%. This is because ours gets opened and acted upon. In fact, many of our clients achieve over 30% redemption rates month after month.
Tell me the reason why you can get me 28% redemption rates?

We target mail to a very specific demographic that have birthdays in your area. For example, in a 3 mile radius around you we would target people of the same demographic as your best customers – Ex. Age 40-55, household income of $86K or more, married, and have a birthday next month. We use this data along with our proprietary handwritten envelope and you get new customers.

Where do you get your birthday lists from?
All of our lists are public data, but not easily accessible. Our lists come from public information on deeds of homes and scrubbed against multiple public databases to ensure accuracy and append data. An accurate targeted demographics list is the most important part of a successful direct mail campaign.
Do you have a long term contract?
No. Our services are month to month. Although we do ask that you give us 3 months to prove our system works.
What is your 100% money back guarantee?
It’s pretty simple. We put our money where our mouth is. If the revenue our mailers generated is less than your investment, then we refund you the difference.
What's the difference between a "new mover" list and "new homeowner" list?

“New homeowner” lists come from deeded transactions when someone buys a home in your area. We gather this info based on someone moving into your zip code from another. We only use New Homeowner lists for our Mover campaigns.

“New mover” lists typically come from someone getting a new phone line in their home or switching cable companies that offer phone service.

Why is your email marketing service better?
Every email offer we send out has a unique tracking ID that allows you to track redemptions in our tracking portal. Plus each offer is personalized to the person receiving it. We never send out generic offers. Always personalized and Trackable. If you can’t track something, why do it?
Why do you put the stamps on crooked?
We have tested and proven that a crooked stamp makes our mailer stick out in someone’s mailbox. Don’t take my word for for it, look at your own mail. Most envelopes you receive have the standard flag stamp perfectly square in the corner, or meter stamped. Our mailer gets opened.
Why don't you write my company name in the senders address?
We don’t want to give the recipient any reason to prejudge our mailer and throw it away. If they don’t recognize your company name that’s exactly what they will do, throw it away and not open it.
Who designs my direct mail campaign?
We do. Our in house graphic designers will provide you with a customized mail piece that you approve before we print anything. No being shifted from one department to another. All we need from you is your logo we’ll do all the rest, it’s that simple!
Can my gift certificate offer be an appetizer or dessert?
We don’t recommend that, and I’ll put my money where my mouth is on this one. It’s all about perceived value. We’ve tested multiple offers over the years, and have found that the most successful campaigns with redemption rates over 30%, result from a compelling offer such as an entree value. We also have the data to prove that these campaigns are profitable. Making our clients profitable is our first priority. Why else would someone continue to market with us if we don’t “show them the money”.
When does a gift certificate expire?
All of our campaigns expire the end of the month they are received, or the first Sunday after the month ends. Your customers typically have 4 full weekends to redeem an offer, and sometimes 5 weekends depending on the month.

30% Redemption Rate

Many of our clients get over 30%, while our average is 28%. Much better than other direct mail services.

100% Trackable

All of our campaigns are Trackable with a unique identifier.

Handwritten Envelope

Can you tell if our envelope is handwritten or printed? That’s part of our secret sauce!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Yes we are confident enough to offer a true money back guarantee. We put our money where our mouth is!

More accurate New Movers

Our new mover list comes from true deeded transactions when someone buys a home in your area…unlike other “new mover” companies you’ve tried.